Gamer status information

Basically we divide the players into 4 groups.


These players are completely anonymous, so they do not need to provide any personal information and can play immediately. The displayed name of a guest player consists of "Guest_" and a 7-digit random number.

it's good:

  • You are completely anonymous and can play immediately.

that's less good:

  • Only 50% of all possible levels can be played.
  • Scores are not saved.

Our tip: Play as a guest first and test the games. If you like them, you can register before you close your browser or leave the homepage. This is where all your game progress will be taken over and saved.

registered players

This player group only has to provide the name (nickname / pseudonym) and a valid email address. This data is stored in a database.

Advantages over guests:

  • 80% of all available levels can be played.
  • Recognized logos and points are saved and you can continue playing at any time.
  • Participation in the monthly quiz tournament is possible.
  • Statistical data of all Quizzzz games are displayed on the profile page
  • Only registered players are included in the high score list.
  • Depending on their actions, registered players receive in-game cash in the form of diamonds as a reward. These can then be used to buy jokers for the respective quiz in the shop. Or to reset the score of a game.
  • With a friends list you can compete with other players.
  • With an in-game news system or with the newsletter you are always up to date on updates and expansions.


  • nothing

How and where can I register?

Click here for the registration form. Only the name and a valid e-mail address need to be entered. As security against spam registrations, a captcha is requested, which simply has to be typed.
ATTENTION: Enter a valid e-mail address, because the randomly generated password will be sent to this address.
Of course, this password can be changed after logging in.

VIP players

The abbreviation VIP stands for Very Important Person.
It's not quite right, because these players are not directly important but very active.
These VIP players are marked with the symbol .

Advantages over "normal" registered players:

  • VIPs can play 100% of all levels.
  • VIPs always get 6 instead of 3 jokers as a reward when they have solved the 12 picture of a level.
  • No ads will be shown to VIPs.
  • VIPs have weekly offers in the shop.

How to become a VIP player?

A VIP status is limited in time and therefore has an expiration date.

  • With a payment of 100 diamonds you get the VIP access for 1 month (30 days).
  • With a payment of 400 diamonds you get the VIP access for 6 months (180 days).
  • With a payment of 700 diamonds you get the VIP access for 12 months (360 days).

Often there are also offers here and the respective VIP packages cost less. So keep checking back in the shop*.

* The shop is only available to registered users!


Admins can create new games and levels and change existing quiz questions. It is not possible to get this status. Only the Quizzzz Team have this status and they are marked with the symbol .